Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I've been back home just over two months.  Well, home being the general state of Colorado, rather than the exact building I was living in previously.  My former roommate/landlord is planning on getting day, and wanted to live with his fiancee.  So DB and I moved out of that house and into an apartment with my ex.  It's wonderful, and so not like the sitcom I've been told it sounds like. 

I'm getting there on the thesis.  I sent the last round of edits to my adviser (pending major issues with those edits) before it gets sent on to my other two committee members.  Today in one month, I should be completely finished with the thesis process.  COMPLETELY.  And taking the GRE subject test so I can apply to a doctoral program.  Because I'm a masochist who never wants to leave academia.  For the moment, I'm not working and not really looking for a job, though I would take something if it fell into my lap and seemed reasonable.  Between my class, my thesis, and that test coming up, plus prepping the applications for grad school (again!), I can manage a little easier without, especially since returning from Korea is often like being showered with money for a little while.

In knitting news, I'm producing.  I'm currently working on (shhh!) making a Where the Wild Things Are hoodie for my ex's son, and I have the yarn to make one for him as well.  Because the Boyfriend Sweater Curse seems silly once we've already broken up.  Also, I've been using an iPad for...I guess about 6 months, which has done neat things to my knitting productivity in two ways.  1) I can always read and knit, so I can do homework while knitting.  2) I downloaded KnitCompanion on the recommendation of a friend, and love the crap out of it.  There's something of a learning curve on putting new patterns into it, but once the pattern is set up, it's incredibly easy to keep track of where you are in both a main pattern and a chart.  I kind of enjoy the process of putting patterns into the program too.

I won't make promises on actually updating.  I'll try to actually get pictures eventually.